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Pinnacle Parent Handbook 2023-2024- Eng
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Pinnacle School #35 

Parent Handbook


Valerie Holberton, Principal

Maria Petrella, Assistant Principal

Carmen Ortega, Parent Liaison

194 Field Street, Rochester NY 14620
Phone:  585-­­271-­­4583  
Fax:  585-­­935-­­7435  

School Hours:  7:30-2:00


At Pinnacle School No. 35, we work collaboratively with families and the community to educate students, encouraging creative life-­­long learners whose achievements and differences are both recognized and celebrated.  




School No. 35 integrates RCSD Curriculums, fosters academic and social-­­emotional growth, supports academic excellence, positive character and citizenship. We create a safe learning environment where students are engaged and develop as critical thinkers and productive members of society.  


School #35 Policies and Procedures

A  Absences - Occasionally it is necessary to keep your child out of school. The only reason a child should miss school is for illness, appointments for the child, or family emergencies. If your child is going to be absent for the day please call the school office at 271-4583 before 7:30 am. When your child returns to school, send a note with him/her to the teacher stating the date of the absence and reason for the absence.


Accidents/Illness - Initial treatment is given to students with minor injuries when an accident occurs in school. The school notifies a parent or guardian when medical care may be needed for an injury or illness, provided a telephone number is listed with the school. Please keep the school informed of changes in your telephone number and the number of someone else who may be called in an emergency. In the event a parent cannot be reached by phone, a note of treatment will be sent home with the child.


Address Change - It is crucial that the school always has the most current address and phone number for each student. If you move during the school year be sure to notify the office of the change. Your child may be eligible for transportation if your new address is more than 1.5 miles from school. Proof of address is needed to complete the process.


Administration - School No. 35 has an open-door policy. However, an appointment is highly encouraged. If you have a concern about your child, please speak first to your child’s teacher before contacting an administrator. Administrators can be contacted by calling 271-4583 and leaving a message with the school secretary. Administrators will get back to you within 48 hours.    

Arrival - 7:15 am -DOORS OPEN TO ALL STUDENTS 

The doors will be open for all students and staff will greet them upon arrival.  All students k-6, will report directly to their classrooms for breakfast through Exit 1. Exit 1 stairwell is to be used by all students except for Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade.



Any students arriving after this bell will get a late pass from the main office.

At this time announcements will be made. The instructional day starts immediately after breakfast.  


Attendance - It is very important that your child develop a habit of good attendance. Students between the ages of 5-17 are required by New York State law to attend school every day school is in session. Please provide a written excuse for any tardiness or absence within 5 days of the occurrence. You may receive an Attendance Letter or a Home Visit by a staff member during the school year in regards to attendance.

  1. Breakfast - Breakfast will be provided at no cost to our students this year. Breakfast will be eaten in classrooms daily. An application for every student in the building must be on file whether you are eligible for free or reduced meals.


  1. Cell Phones/Electronics- We encourage all children to keep cell phones at home.  We understand the need for some children to have a phone in their possession at school in order to maintain contact with parents before and after school. If a phone is brought to school, we ask that it remain in the child’s book bag and in the off position. If a cell phone is found on a child, rings, or is found to be on during the school day, the following procedures apply:

 No gaming systems

 No Smart-watches

 No Air pods


First Offense - Teacher will ask the child to put the phone away and bring it home and not to bring it again to school.
Second Offense - Teacher will confiscate the phone and return it at the end of the day, asking the child not to bring it again.

Third Offense - Administration will be called and confiscate the phone. The parent will be contacted and must come in for a conference and pick up the phone.

Please note: The school is not responsible for lost or stolen phones.

    Classroom Celebrations-  We encourage families to keep celebrations to a minimum in order to maintain          an instructional    environment.  If a family wants to send a food item, the item needs to be store bought and individually packaged.  Families are encouraged to select a healthy choice, celebrated during lunchtime or recess, it should not interrupt instruction. We encourage families to visit and volunteer in the classroom, however a scheduled time in collaboration with the teacher is required.

Code of Conduct - The purpose of the RCSD REGULATIONS OF INTERVENTION AND DISCIPLINE is to set standards for student, parents and community members’ behaviors that promote an environment conducive to learning, safety and order in school. It is our goal to provide students with a safe and secure learning environment at School #35. In order to do that, we need to have rules for all members of our community.  Your cooperation and support is greatly appreciated.


Conduct Rules

All District students have the responsibility to follow the rules below.  Please review with your child(ren).

  1. Work to the best of their own ability in all academic and extracurricular pursuits and strive toward their highest personal level of achievement.
  2. Attend school every day unless they are legally excused, and be in class on time and prepared to learn.
  3. Contribute to maintaining a safe and orderly school environment that is conducive to learning, showing respect to other persons and to property.
  4. React to direction given by teachers, administrators and other school personnel in a respectful, positive manner.
  5. Be familiar with and abide by all District policies, rules and regulations dealing with student conduct.
  6. Work to develop mechanisms to control anger.
  7. Ask questions when they do not understand.
  8. Seek help in solving problems that might lead to discipline.
  9. Dress appropriately for school and school functions and whenever on any school district property or at a school function wherever located; obey the District Dress Code and any additional dress standards adopted for particular schools (see “Student Dress Code,” §5300.25).
  10. Accept responsibility for their actions.
  11. Report to school officials any information, which may help to prevent danger or injury to others in the school community.
  12. Conduct themselves as representatives of the District when participating in or attending school functions and hold themselves to the highest standards of conduct, demeanor, and sportsmanship.
  13. Conduct themselves with civility towards other students, faculty, staff, administrators, parents/guardians and visitors.


Students who violate these areas or procedures will be given consequences. Please support the school by meeting with administrators/teachers when asked to resolve discipline issues. The rules of the Code of Conduct focus on areas of safety and respect. Students who are found to be in violation of the Code of Conduct could face any of the following consequences:


 Verbal and written warning along with home contact

 Removal from classroom (length of time determined by administration)

 In School Suspension (length of time determined by administration)

 Out of school suspension (short term 5 days or less)

 Out of school long-term suspension (more than 5 days)


If you would like further details, please see the RCSD Code of Conduct, see the link to the full policy on our School Website or speak to an administrator or the Parent Liaison about this.


Code of Conduct: Dress Code - School #35 is committed to provide a learning environment that is safe and focused on learning. To that order, we are a uniform school.   Students’ appearance is an important part of this goal. Students’ dress, grooming and appearance shall be safe, appropriate and should not disrupt or interfere with the educational process. Please support and help us to maintain an environment that is safe and conducive to learning. Please keep this in mind when selecting your child’s clothing and footwear. Included in this correspondence are the uniform expectations.

No pants worn below the waist

No hats or “hoodies”

No short shorts/skirts

No ripped jeans/pants

No halter/open back tops

No spaghetti strap/strapless shirts

No flip flops or slides


Communication - Home to school communication is an essential part of student success. A home- to-school communication folder will be provided and will come home daily with your child’s homework and any other necessary information. An agenda will also be provided for students in grade 3-6 to check frequently for assignments and written communication between parent and teacher. School #35’s phone number is 271-4583. Please remember that teachers cannot take phone calls during instructional time. You will be forwarded to their voicemail and they will return your call as soon as they are able.


Conferences - Parent Conferences are scheduled two times during the school year or at a mutually agreeable time for the parent and teacher.  Please be on the lookout for information sent home from your child’s teacher and check the City School District calendar to ensure that you make these important sessions with your child’s teacher. If at any time during the school year you would like to have a parent-teacher conference, please send a note to your child’s teacher.

  1. Dismissal - Student dismissal begins at 1:50pm. Please make sure you have arranged for your child’s pick-up. Parents who elect to pick up their child(ren) should come to Exit 6, in the back of the school, on Laburnum St. Should you pick up your children , it is expected that they are picked up on time each day that school is in session.

If your child takes a bus to and from school, they will always be put on the bus at the end of the day unless a written note has been brought in to the teacher. Phone calls taken after 12:30 cannot be honored, as there is no way to contact teachers during the dismissal process.

It is our hope that dentist and doctor appointments can be made after school hours or on Saturdays, if possible. If this is not possible and your child has an appointment and must be released from school early, you need to send a note indicating the time you will pick him/her up. Students will be called down to the office upon your arrival.


  1. Early Pick-Up - If you need to pick up a student from school prior to dismissal time, please notify the teacher by writing a note and sending it to school with your child that morning. Students will only be sent to the office for early pick-up after the parent arrives at the school. Please remember: your child can only be released to the designated persons listed on the Emergency Form.  Please do not send anyone under the age of 18 to pick up your child. Anyone who is picking students up must have identification and be listed on our Student Information System and Emergency Forms.


Emergency Forms - Each year parents are asked to complete an emergency form and return it to school. It is critical that this form always has the most current address and phone numbers where a parent or guardian can be reached in case of emergency. Your child can only be released to the designated persons listed on this form. Please do not send anyone under the age of 18 to pick up your child.  Please notify the school office if you need to update this list during the year.


Excuses - When your child is absent from school it is required that you send in a written notice stating why the student was not in school. This note must be brought in upon their return. Otherwise, they will be marked illegally absent.


Emergency Plan - School #35 has emergency plans in place in the event of any type of emergency. The plans are developed in cooperation with the City School District, the City of Rochester, the County of Monroe and the State of New York. In the event of an emergency, parents will often choose to come to school to get their children. We ask that the following procedures are followed for the safety of all children in the event an emergency is declared.




F  Fire Drills - Twelve practice fire drills and two emergency drills are required to be held each year.

Generally, these practice drills are held on days when the weather is mild enough for children to go outside without a coat.

 Lockdown

 Lockout

 Evacuation drills

 Hold in place

 Shelter in place


H  Home-Baked Goods - It is policy not to accept any home-baked goods to be shared with our students. This is based on a recommendation from the Monroe County Health Department. Purchased items are fine for special occasions.

Homework - It is Rochester City School District policy that children receive homework each day. Each classroom has a procedure for homework. Be sure to know what the expectations are for homework in your child’s classroom.

Homework helps learning and is assigned to:

⮚⮚  Reinforce concepts and skills learned in the classroom.

⮚⮚  Provide practice with newly learned skills.

⮚⮚  Develop independent study habits.

⮚⮚  Develop positive habits in planning for and meeting deadlines.

⮚⮚  Teach efficient use of time.

⮚⮚  Learn to use home and community resources.

⮚⮚  Make up work missed because of absence.

⮚⮚  Provide enrichment beyond what is possible in the classroom.

⮚⮚ Provide additional practice in research skills and the ability to communicate ideas in verbal and written form.

⮚⮚  Review materials learned earlier in preparation for tests and other class work.


I  Internet Sites – A permission slip will be sent home regarding accessing Internet sites in school. You must return this permission slip to your child’s teacher if you want him/her to use the Internet. The following is a list of Internet sites that offer extensive information about education:

        ▪▪                  Rochester City School District

        ▪▪          School 35

        ▪▪                                New York State Education Department

        ▪▪                  US Department of Education


  1. Keys - Students are not permitted to wear a house key around their neck during the school day. Key chains around the neck pose a safety issue to all students. If your child needs to carry a house key to school, they need to leave it in a pocket or backpack during the day.

  1. Late Pick-Ups- If your child/children walk to school and the teachers are unable to make contact with parents during the dismissal process, students will be brought to the office. Teachers will make all attempts to contact the parent and get an arrival time. Upon your arrival in the office, please sign out children on the Late Pick-Up clipboard and make sure to contact the administrator in charge to verify your arrival. Make sure the school has current contact information and a completed Emergency Contact Sheet in order to facilitate this process.  Our Parent Liaison or an Administrator will contact any family that demonstrates a pattern of frequent late pick-up behaviors to identify the cause and design a solution.

Library - Parents are encouraged to visit the public library with their children on a regular basis. Students will also visit the school library with their class. Students should be reminded to take good care of all books, but especially books on loan from the library. There will be a charge to families for any lost materials from the library.

Lunch - If students bring a drink to school, it may not be in a glass container. Students are not allowed to bring soda to school.  Lunch will be provided to those students that choose not to bring lunch at no charge.  Bringing students fast food lunches is not permitted, neither is warming up food here at school. Classroom snacks are required to be healthy choices.  If a child brings in a snack that is not deemed healthy by the classroom teacher, the child will be offered an alternate, healthy choice. This is a school wide policy, that all snacks are healthy choices and promote healthy decisions.


  1. Medication - City School District regulations require that all medication be given only by doctor's written order and dispensed from a pharmacy-labeled container. Medication should be given in school only if times cannot be arranged for all doses to be given outside of school hours. If medication cannot be given at home and your child must take medication in school please contact the school nurse for the policy. Children may never carry medication to take at school.


  1. Open House - This will be a combined Curriculum Night event. The date will be identified on the district calendar. This is an opportunity for parents to come into school to meet their child's teacher, see the classroom and learn about the curricula/grade level expectations. You will have an opportunity to sign up for a conference if needed at the Open House. Conferences will be scheduled later in the school year.  We hope to see you at this important event.
  2. Parent Liaison - The Parent Liaison’s primary responsibility is to work with parents, staff, and students to involve parents in their children’s education. The Parent Liaison’s activities are supervised by the principal and may include:

⮚⮚  tracking attendance

⮚⮚  home visits concerning absences

⮚⮚  coordinating school and family functions

⮚⮚  notifying parents of building and District programs and events

⮚⮚  recruiting parent volunteers to help in the school

⮚⮚  facilitating meetings with staff

Parents are encouraged to contact the Parent Liaison regarding any parent concerns at 271-4583.


Parent Involvement Policy -All buildings must involve parents in school matters and we welcome your involvement. Some ways that you can get involved in your child’s education are to join the following committees or events:

⮚⮚  Advisory Boards across the District

⮚⮚  School Based Planning Team (SBPT)

⮚⮚  Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

⮚⮚  District-wide Parent Council

Parent Teacher Organization - School No. 35’s PTO creates a school community by sponsoring fun family activities that support the school’s instructional goals, raising money for the school, and showing support and appreciation for teachers. The PTO sponsors the annual, ever-popular Bingo Night, Storytelling, school carnival, among many other activities. The PTO is a great way to meet other parents and support School No. 35. The PTO meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Child care can be provided. Please join us!


Parent Visitation - Parents and other visitors are to follow a code of conduct followed by all students and staff in the RSCD, to conduct themselves with civility towards students, faculty, staff administrators, parents/guardians and other visitors. This contributes to maintaining a safe and orderly school environment that is conducive to learning for all. We value the important role you play in your child’s education, the school community and welcome your presence in the building. Please be familiar with and abide by school policies and rules for building visitation. If you have any concerns please see administration.  Appointments are strongly encouraged whenever possible.


Parking - For safety reasons, parents should not drop off students at the main entrance to the school on Field Street during arrival and dismissal times. Please park on the side streets and walk your child to the main door. There is no parking on Field St. Cars will be ticketed by the police. Visitors to School No. 35 can park in the school parking lot, in the designated parent parking spots ONLY. If the parent spots are full it is best to park on the side streets near the building.


Personal Property - School #35 is not responsible for articles of personal property stolen from students.

Students should keep valuables at home and only bring items to school that are necessary for learning. Students should not bring cell phones, electronic devices (such as MP-3 players/electronic games), sports equipment, money or toys of any kind to school.


Physical Education - The New York State Commissioner of Education has mandated that all students take physical education. Rochester City School District policy requires students to wear sneakers and shorts to physical education classes. Rubber-soled shoes and warm-up suits are unacceptable. The only exceptions are for religious or medical reasons with a statement from a clergyman or physician. While participating in physical education classes, sneakers must be properly laced and tied (or “Velcro”) for safety reasons. Long pants/skirts can become caught on equipment and be restrictive. Our gym is comfortably heated throughout the year. Note: Children should wear their shorts under their uniform which can be easily removed before coming to the gym.


  1. Report Cards - Report cards are sent home four times during the year.(November, February, April, June)

6th grade report cards are aligned with the format that students in grades 7-12 receive. If you have specific questions, please see the child's teacher.

Restorative Practice - Reflect a philosophy that holds that all communities are based on relationships.  The stronger the relationships become, the less likely wrongdoing will occur and the more likely wrongdoing can be repaired if it does occur.  

Benefits of this approach are:  


Some of our RESTORATIVE PRACTICES include:  

  1. School Based Planning Team - The School-Based Planning Team (SBPT) sets instructional policies for

School No. 35. It consists of administrators, teachers, paraprofessionals, and parent representatives. Two parent representatives are elected, usually serving a two-year term. The SBPT is an important way parents can have direct involvement in determining School No. 35’s instructional priorities. Decisions made by the SBPT have guided School No. 35’s School Comprehensive Education Plan.


School-Wide Positive Behavior Supports (SWPBS) - The goal of this initiative is to improve social competence, develop environments that support academic success and contribute to an increase in our school’s capacity to address the behavioral support needs of all students and staff effectively and efficiently. Students are expected to be respectful, responsible, safe and ready to learn. Regular, predictable, positive learning and teaching environments have been established; adults and peers have been trained to serve as positive role models, teaching and modeling behavioral expectations; and a system has been developed for providing regular positive feedback and recognition.

  1. Tardiness - Students are considered tardy at School #35 if they are not in their seats at 7:40 am each morning school is in session. Every instance of tardiness requires a written excuse from the parent stating the reason.  We encourage students to be on time for school.

Transportation - Children who live more than 1.5 miles from school qualify for transportation. If you have questions about transportation to School #35 you should call school (271-4583) and ask to speak with someone about transportation. You may also contact the Transportation department at 336-4000. Changes in transportation requests must be made to the school with supporting documentation. Changes may take up to 5 days to go into effect. Parents are responsible for transporting children during this time period. If your child is suspended from a bus and a conference is requested, transportation will not be reinstated until the school is notified that the meeting was held. All absences that are bus related due to suspensions or bus changes are considered unexcused.

  1. Uniform – Students should come to school daily wearing the school uniform.  The school uniform colors are as follows:

  1. Visitors - Parents and other visitors must always go directly to the Main Office and be sure to sign in and out of the office for any reason. All visitors to the building must use the main entrance on Field Street at all times and will be asked for identification upon entrance.  Visitors passes will be provided and must be worn while in the building. In most cases, visitors will be escorted to their destinations as this policy is enforced to ensure the safety of all children.

Parents should go to the Main Office when coming to pick up their children during the day. Please do not linger in the main hallway without signing in. Parents must wait outside for children to exit the building at the end of the school day. Students will be released to their parents, legal guardians and other adults whose names are registered with the school office. Parents must sign a child out in the Main Office before they can leave the school building.

Volunteers - Adult volunteers are welcomed and needed at School #35. If you are interested, call the Parent Liaison and leave your name and the times that you would be available to volunteer. Parents and family members are needed to volunteer in a variety of places that may not include your child's classroom. The use of volunteers in the classroom is left to the judgment of the teacher.

  1. Weapons - Weapons (real or toy) are never allowed in school and may result in a long-term suspension out of school. Weapons can include anything that could cause an injury, including toy guns, cap guns, or anything that resembles a knife or a gun.


2023-2024 School Calendar / Upcoming Dates to Remember

Thursday, August 31st:                        Back to School Bash                        12:00-2:00 pm        

Wednesday, September 6th:                 First Day of School                        7:30-2:00 pm

        Thursday, September 21st:                        Open House                                4:00-6:00 pm

2023-2024 Early Dismissal Days for all Students:  10:30 am


Dates to Remember!





Popsicles on the Playground/Ribbon Cutting Ceremony



Open House

4:00-6:00 pm


Hispanic Heritage Month

4:00-6:00 pm


Picture Day

During School Hours


Bingo for Books

4:00-6:00 pm


Winter Concert

6:00-7:00 pm


Holidays around the World

4:00-6:00 pm


Black History Month

4:00-6:00 pm


Health & Fitness

4:00-6:00 pm


Movie Night

4:00-6:00 pm


School of Choice Workshop

4:00-6:00 pm


Muffins w/ Mom

7:45 am


Spring Concert



Donuts w/ Dad

7:45 am